do u have any nephew?Hwaaa *o* i can ask u because I have a little funny one. yeah I think he has been 2 years old now. haash and I miss him so much that i can't get off of thinking ng looking at his picture.
his name is M Nur Alifi. I have special caal for him "MATA BERUANG". hahah its sound too weird right? oke I agree that it is weird for a litte bit. but u will agree with me after seeing his face,specially in his eyes... hwaaa ,,, so cute,,
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m nur alifi |
alifi is the first child of my sister, and also the first grandchild in my little family. an of course he is my first nephew. u know guys, its so different to having younger brother and a nephew. hahaha I think I've never care of any baby or kids till i have alifi. even it is my own younger brother . haha
he is getting thinner now. since he is fat and so funny last ied celebration. my older sister told me that he is going thinner coz he is growing out to be taller.. ahaaaa i see.. i remember that my younger brother is so as alifi does when he was as same as age with him.:))
just see his pic several mount ago
alifi |
and so this pic
alifii | | |
he is so cute right? u have to say Yes, cz there's no another choice haha
alifi |
yeah, u will never felling until u have one your own... haash,, i miss him already. maybe i have to get a call tomorrow to hear his voice. u know his voice guys. haha its so funny that he still not able to speak well...
and something that very important is, i haven't decide what he has to call me ,, hahaha i don't want tobe called as ''tante", ''bibi", or similiar things.. but what?? hahaha I have to look for the best one !! :D
tuh foto anaknya yah bu?.. hehehe.
BalasHapusfollow sukses no.14 di tunggu follbacknya yah
alipong gigi ompong naa. . . .
BalasHapusM Bahrul : itu foto keponakan ,, :D
BalasHapusJJ : alipong gigi depan sudah full,,,:D, sekarang lagi belajar ngomong, hahaha ngomonge g jelas tapi, hehe