Selasa, Maret 06, 2012

a side story: a friendship

 just a picture that meaning too much.
 and I miss this lough :')

 haha, a crazy thing in everynight before exam, what to increase and enlarge the happiness before fighting together in final exam :D

 euforia, have a trip, kidding in the class,

mc anity ?? :p

my mom, n my nurse,, hehe

 and even a surprise birthday party..

a madness, 

but, it just about a togetherness,

so, thanks guys,

why I'm so mellow like in this midnight?? yeah I don't know for sure.. actually,,
haha, now, i'm in my best-girl-friend. she has left me slept for more than two hours.. Yeah, after everything happens this last few day, I just consider one thing. what's the meaning of  'family' (like what your senior told u in OMB) in your running study place. they are friends. who care of you whatever you are, who loves you who ever you are, and always get ready to be with you whenever you needing a help. they are not in front of you, not behind you as well. but they are beside you.

my unsleepy midnight

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